Friday, July 16, 2010

Face brake out. Help me!!?

omg I have everything in a small ammounts. blackheads and whiteheads on my nose. and pimples mostly on my chin. I keep poping them but it doesn't seem to help. I've also tried proactive and it doesn't seem to do anything either. I have a blackhead/whitehead popper. but it just makes my face irritaded! what can I do?

Face brake out. Help me!!?
Stop popping them. You need to wash your face well a few times a day, and stop stressing. Oils on your face, fatty foods, and stress cause pimples. If you sit there looking at the mirror all day waiting for one to break out, chances are you'll see one. Don't worry about it. You only have to deal with them for a few years and then they're gone. If you're much more relaxed you'll get a lot fewer.
Reply:you're disgusting...wash your face once in awhile.
Reply:use clearasal think thats how u spell it omg that stuff truely works proactive i have tried it and the product sucks i have not seen any improvement but clearsal you will see improvment in 3 days!!!!

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