Friday, July 16, 2010

Myspace Smiley-face Flood Attack !!!?

My friend and I frequent the Myspace chat rooms and there is this guy that constantly comes in and when he gets mad at anyone he has the ability to flood your screen with smiley faces! I know he uses the "whisper" feature (which I also have no idea how to use) and types in some code that will only flood the screen of the person he is targeting with a constant stream of smiley face icons. It is REALLY annoying because when he does it your pretty much forced out of the chat. Does anyone know how this person is doing this? Or better yet, anyone know how to BLOCK this flood attack???

Myspace Smiley-face Flood Attack !!!?
I am not sure how he does since i do not use myspace but i think that this type of attack will not work if you have javascript turned off in your browser.

Hope this helps.

dental health

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