Sunday, July 11, 2010

Aquaphor on face?

My face is extremely dry. Almost to the point where it hurts.

Would it be ok to put aquaphor on my entire face?

Aquaphor on face?
YES! i do it all the time. if you can avoid putting it ALL over your face i would and just apply it to the dry spots but if you really think you need it then go for it. i have very sensitive skin and i use it all the time. good luck!
Reply:There really isn't any way to know for sure until you try it. Just put it on a very small area for a few days and see what happens. It is a good lubricant so I wouldn't think it would hurt. I know they make women who get deep facial peels (where layers of skin are chemically burned off) use aquaphor daily right after the peel. I would try it.

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