Thursday, August 19, 2010

Antibiotics cleared my face....?

I have been under a high amount of stress lately and my face has been having more breakouts lately because of this and I also have lost a lot of weight that I can't afford to lose. My wisdom teeth were extracted a week ago and I am on antibiotics. My face has cleared up (usually I am clear but lately not because of my hormonal imbalance) and I just bought ProActiv and started using it again. Once I go off of my antibiotics do you think my breakouts will return or will they have subsided because of the antibiotics and now that I am also using ProActiv again?

Also....any testimonials on ProActiv anyone would like to share?? Thanks! : )

Antibiotics cleared my face....?
Its possible but it could also have been something you've stopped eating. Acne can stand or fall depending on many things such as diet, the amount of times you touch your face, the type of razor you use, how much sleep you get is a big one. I once knew a womanwho was told to stop drinking sodas for two weeks to lose weight, she lost weight but more importantly, the hives and boils she had had for years and for which no prescribed medicines had worked, suddenly vanished. You should probably stop with the pro-active for a few days just to test it.

The important thing is that you remember to always be careful with drugs like these. Watch out for side effects and dont get yourself hooked on them.

Hope this helped and good luck.

(if you know its caused by stress, try doing things to relax and make your life less stressful. you might find that you dont need any medications)
Reply:A bar of soap twice a day did more for my face than all the miracle products combined.
Reply:its hard to say. antibiotics can clear your face because they they rid your body of harmful bacteria, which can be the cause of your breakouts.

the problem is that antibiotics also kill good bacteria, so it's not good to be on them for too long.

as for proactive, i actually don't know anybody thats used it. i do know that it is on sale right now on tv from 40 down to 20...which means its cheap enough to try.

the best thing though is simply cleansing your face every morning and every night.

good luck!
Reply:The antibiotics had a really good effect on my skin
Reply:so does proactive really work. i need something bad.

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