Thursday, August 19, 2010

Best facial regimin for my face?

I am 25 years old and I have wierd face skin.

I do not really get pimples, maybe once a month before my period i will get one. I do not have noticebly dry or oily skin.

My face skin looks sort of rough. My cheeks are not smooth and soft. They llok sort of sundamaged with a few old pimple scars and noticable pores...not really that bad at all, but noticeable up close...My skin is not pale white or is sort of pink. The skin on my eyelids and undereyes is noticebly redder than my face skin...I use concelaer to blend it in with the rest of my skin.

I went to get my makeup done and the girl said that I have dry skin. I use moisturizer everyday. She said taht dry skin doesnt have to always look dry to be dry.

What is the best reginim for my dull, sun damaged skin to make it look soft and supple and regular colored?? What products should I use? What steps?

ps...i dont need to be told to wear sunscreen...i know this. I am looking for ways to repair

Best facial regimin for my face?
I think a good product for you would be Arbonne's Intelligence line. It adjust to your skin. This company has spent a lot of money on research and only releases products that are results oriented. Their products are botanically based, use no mineral oil, and no animal by-products.

Part of the skin care regimen is a thermal fusion masque - reading what you had to say - I think this would be really important. This masque contains a papaya enzyme and many of the ingredients are used on burn victims to regenerate new skin. If you were to use it for five days in a row, it would be equivalent to a glycolic peel. Also in the set are a cleanser, toner, eye cream, and moisturizer.

Arbonne has a 45 day money back guarantee - but you can try their products before you purchase them.

When it comes to the face, heat is the biggest key. Heat creates an atmosphere for your pores to expand. A hot rag (as hot as you can stand it) across the face is the best bet. As far as a topical treatment, you need to invest in a good scrub and a very fine toner. I tell people this all the time that I do makeup for. Here are some key things to remember when looking for cleansers:

1. A good scrub needs to have some sort of exfoliant (i.e. microbeads, pumice grains, etc.) in it. Once you have applied the hot rag to your face and opened up your pores, the scrub is used to get deep down into the pores and clean them out.

2. In a good scrub, stay away from anything that has a lot of soap or fragrance to it. Fragrance = additives that probably will makes things worse. Your main ingredient when looking for a scrub is salicylic acid. Salicylic acid acts as an antibacterial to cleanse deep to break up the blackheads and fight the bacteria causing them.

3. A good toner should be found because once the skin is clean, the toner is used to tighten the cleansed pores to minimalize the entrance of future bacteria. And sadly to say it (but get over it), A TONER DOES STINK! Its made primarily of alcohol, so it will stink! Get over it! It's worth it!

4. Lastly, and a lot of people don't think about this, find a light lotion with an added sunscreen (at least SPF 15). You want a light lotion (nothing fancy or fragrancy) with a sunscreen to prevent dryness from the toner and the sunscreen will help protect from sun damage (obviously!).

Always remember to catch blackheads before they start (before they become pimples)! And for the love of God: DO NOT PICK AT A PIMPLE IF YOU GET ONE! Picking only creates more infection from the bacteria on your hands....and most importantly: it's just GROSS! Some brands to try for a scurb or toner would be: Oil of Olay, Biore`, Clinique, Clean %26amp; Clear, Clearasil.......just to name a few! Also remember to drink lots of water to help keep down ure intake of oils. Oh and p.s. to guys who are reading this: just because girls use it in a commercial DOES NOT mean that a guy cannot use it too! A girl would like it a lot more to see a guy with a clean face and a cabinet full of girly skin care stuff, than Mister Zit next door! I'm me on this!

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