what is a face or heel in the WWE
Face and Heel?
Face: Someone who the fans cheer for
Heel: Someone who the fans boo
Face: John Cena
Heel: Edge
Reply:a face is a character who is portrayed as being moral or approving (that is, faces are "good guys" or "crowd favorites").Their are many kinds:
a heel is a villain character who is portrayed as behaving in an immoral manner; sometimes they are humorously referred to as "evil".There are many types of heel
1.Crazy heel - crazy madman,dangerous and unpredictable e.g Edge and Victoria
2.Comic Heel - A person with dark comic gimmic e.g Right to Censor,Billy and Chuck
3.Monster heel: an unstoppable juggernaut who squashes his/her opponents e.g Great Khali
4.Egotistical heel: an obnoxious and self-important character who is arrogant or cocky; some wrestlers play on their own fame, achievements or good looks to achieve this e.g Chris Masters
5.Popular heel: a term in which the fans still cheer for a wrestler who competes as a heel. eg The Rock Stone Cold
Reply:Face-Good Guy
Heell-Bad Guy
Reply:A face is someone that is loved by the fans...Example: Cena,Batista, Undertaker
A heel is someone that is hated and gets booed...have no respect...it's almost someone that plays Sd vs Raw 2006 or 2007 and you have clean and dirty tactics Example: Edge or Orton, Mr Kennedy
Reply:Face and Heel are industry terms that apply to all wrestling promotions, past and present.
Face: Someone the crowd loves
Heel: Someone the crowd hates
Tweener: A person who is neither heel nor face, there are few of these in wrestling, because they only stay tweener for so long before they do something the crowd loves or hates and puts them over as face or heel.
Sometimes the backstage guys decide whose face and whose heel, but sometimes the crowd just doesn't swallow what they're force fed. Case in point, Flex Cabana, a.k.a. Dwayne Johnson's original gimmick. It was such a sugar coated babyface role that people hated him. Finally, he came out smack talking the fans as a heel in Nation of Domination, and people loved it. This is why I insist Cena's a tweener, and should be pushed as one. No matter how much canned heat Vince pours into a Cena match, he's still hated by at least half of the audience
Reply:a face is someone loved by the fans
a heel is someone that is booed out of the arena
Reply:Face is a good guy....John Cena
Heel is the bad guy......Edge
Reply:a face is someone we all love
and a heel is some we don't like
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